MuTiArA bErKaTa-KaTa...

"success seems to be connected with action,
Successful people keep moving - They make mistakes, but they don't quit..."

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jangan Mudah Mengucap Kata

Recently, I had been talk with my friend. Old friend, I can say. Long time no see. For almost 6 years. For last 6 years our relationship is neither really good nor really bad. If we met, then something will happen. Kalau tak bergaduh tak bertumbuk tak jeling2 tak bertikam lidah mmg la xsah..Sometime ase terkilan jgk. Why? Why he always makes me feel bad? Why he always makes me joke? Am I too bad? Am I too short? Am I so brutal? Am I so heartless? What I’ve done to him that makes him done like that to me? Are you jealous with me huh?  OR shall I ask “Are you like me?”

Ok that the story previous six years. For now, I did not intend to start any fighting or arguing him anymore. I think and very sure he also feels the same way. After have been talked through the phone several times and contacting through chatting FB, he asked me something that make me very shocked, panic and do not know what to do. Through the phone, he tell me about the marriage!!! Is him on the line??? Yes. I am very sure. But why he sound like that? What the motive? Are you serious with your word? Should I call the doctor for you?

I know that I had grown up. Even my course-mate had become sweet mom J. Back to my situation, I do not know what to response after he asked me to marry. My spontaneous action, Marry me? Are you serious? –Yes. Gurlp….Cover..cover..change another question..and the conversation is ended with the family matters and what gonna happen is family’s first.

Deeply in my heart – Yes, I do! But why I become speechless when he said like that? The reason is simple. Back to last 6 years story;

Why? Why he always makes me feel bad? Why he always makes me joke? Am I too bad? Am I too short? Am I so brutal? Am I so heartless? What I’ve done to him that makes him done like that to me? Are you jealous with me huh?  

And the summary that I shall conclude here is:- he just asking, not intend to make me feeling heart and hard.

BUT..PLEASE la…DON’T play2 with that word..I’m NOT 16 YEARS OLD GIRL ANYMORE in order for you to make dump joke…IF YOU ARE DEADLY SERIOUS WITH WHAT ARE YOU SAYING THEN DO IT EVEN IF I SAY DON’T !!!!

jgn hanya berjanji, klu msh mencari2...jgn hanya mengungkap  kata klu hanya berdusta..

Nota Kaki:- Ya Allah jika benar dia untukku maka permudahkanla urusan kami, jika dia bukan untukku maka redhailah hati ku untuk menerima takdir yang Kau beri. Sesungguhnya hanya Engkau yang Maha Mengetahui atas tiap sesuatu yang terjadi. Berikan kepada ku petunjuk dan hidayah agar tidak hanyut dalam bisikan cinta manusia semata-mata. Hanya kepada Mu ku berharap. 

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