MuTiArA bErKaTa-KaTa...

"success seems to be connected with action,
Successful people keep moving - They make mistakes, but they don't quit..."

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

kerana mulut badan binasa

Ase tak tertahan geram kat seseorang...sbb ape?
sebab die pernah cakap bengap kt saya..
kenapa die cakap macam tu?
sebab die "pondan"
sebab tu je yang die leh wat?
come on la bro...WTH dengan ko ni..

natijahnya, kalau ade die, mmg tak nak pandang pon muka die
super duper spoiler trouble maker
and for now still remembered what he had yelled to me...
so, mmg nk kena fire la sapa yang suh tolong die tu..

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