MuTiArA bErKaTa-KaTa...

"success seems to be connected with action,
Successful people keep moving - They make mistakes, but they don't quit..."

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Today someone has arguing me regarding what I had learnt at university that i can apply for the job at office.
She keep asking me to see the transcript since she had no idea to configure what is financial mathematics was about. 

In a simple way I can say that the subject is applied mathematical methods in a finance application.
From my research, Financial Mathematics comprises the branches of applied mathematics concerned with the financial markets. 
The course related are:
Financial Mathematics, Financial Engineering, Stochastic, Econometrics, Forecasting, Corporate Finance, Financial Management, Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Theory of Interest and Mathematical Statistics. 

From my view and experience in my career life, honestly I can't still to apply what I had learnt. I mean the syllabus. However there are another things that applied for a job despite of the syllabus learnt which are our SKILLS. The skills I mean here is our soft skill, our ability to work under pressure, tight deadline, handling hard people, fast learner, eager to know something new with fast catch up a resource and research and so on. In a way critical and creative thinking is very important factor in a life. With these thinking if you are being allocated to do a job that beyond your syllabus during studying, the hurdle become adventure and you are POSSIBLE to make it better and the BEST after all. 

I can understand how they feel that make them want to know what I learnt, because there is also a time for me 'terdetik' : "what I had learnt for the past four years?? " , "Why I can't catch up the account that they all made?"
I also learn about account part as well. Prepare income statement, balance sheet, record the expenses and also learn how to analyse the financial performance via income statement and balanc sheet. So, there are no any excuses left. I can't say the university did not produce a good quality of student because there must be another maybe a lot of student that are good quality of product.

So, the main factor itself asking and develop myself.

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